
My Very Own Doggy Blog

2 Comments 22 November 2010

BravoTV.com has given me my very own Doggy Blog! I’m so excited about this, Woofee Woof! Now remember I have sweet pillow talk with mistress every night, and I really do have the inside dog track to everything going down on RHOBH. Check back frequently to get my furry opinion on all the latest happenings.

Check it out at:


Your Comments

2 Comments so far

  1. mindy beth says:

    Well giggy I think that u r a adorable and a real fashionista! I was wondering if u Could
    Be of assistance in getting my name out to all your doggy friends and kitty pals that I am a pet stylist who
    Loves her job, does it very well, and with more love, compassion, and passion then any other I have
    Encountered in this proffesional. I would love to be your groomer and have my ability speak for itself so
    You and you friends can be pampered beyond just a bath cut and nails pampered as the royalty that all animals
    Rightfully are.

    Bye bye sir giggy hope to hear from you soon mindy

  2. Oh Sir Giggy you are quite fabulous. Any tips for my new babygirl Chihuahua who hates being photographed? I never use flash and even treats don’t work…she shys away! Appreciate your help! Your momma is stunning by the way as is your papa! My husband and I watch you all the time! Woofy woof!

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